Synopsis: An unexpected promotion at a cutthroat hedge fund pushes a young couple’s relationship to the brink, threatening to unravel far more than their recent engagement.Director: Chloe DomontStars: Alden Ehrenreich, Phoebe Dynevor, Eddie Marsan A financial backdrop...
Synopsis: The graduates from Moordale Secondary face a new frontier, Cavendish Sixth Form College. Otis is nervous about setting up a new clinic, while Eric hopes they won’t be losers again. Cavendish is a culture shock for the students who see themselves as...
Synopsis: The commander of Auschwitz, Rudolph Hoss, and his wife Hedwig, strive to build a dream life for their family in a house and garden next to the camp.Director: Jonathan GlazerStars: Sandra Huller, Christian Friedel In the absence of the internet, let alone...