Synopsis: Cole falls head over heels for enigmatic Sadie, but then makes the shocking discovery that she’s a secret agent. Before they can decide on a second date, Cole and Sadie are swept away on an international adventure to save the world.Director: Dexter...
Synopsis: John Wick uncovers a path to defeating The High Table. But before he can earn his freedom, Wick must face off against a new enemy with powerful alliances across the globe and forces that turn old friends into foes.Director: Chad StahelskiStars: Keanu Reeves,...
Synopsis: Two brothers face questions of masculinity, family, race, and identity.Director: Clement VirgoStars: Lamar Johnson, Aaron Pierre, Marsha Stephanie Blake Clement Virgo’s most recent film debut at TIFF was fitting; after all, he has debuted the majority, if...
Stars: Chris RockDirector: Joel Gallen It is tough to review the latest stand-up special by Chris Rock and not think of the elephant in the room or, shall I say, the slap heard around the world. Though one bleeds into another, I will do my best to focus only on the...
Synopsis: Brilliant but disgraced detective John Luther breaks out of prison to hunt down a sadistic serial killer who is terrorising London.Director: Jamie PayneStars: Idris Elba, Cynthia Erivo, Andy Serkis Many know Idris Elba from the tv series Luther where he...
Synopsis: A disconnected teenage girl enter a relationship with a man twice her age. She sees him as the solution to all her problems, but his intentions are not what they seem.Director: Jamie DackStars: Lil McInerny, Jonathan Tucker, Gretchen Mol In 2018 Jamie Dack...