Synopsis: High-school life gets even more unbearable for Nadine when her best friend, Krista, starts dating her older brother. Stars: Hailee Steinfeld, Woody Harrelson Director: Kelly Fremon Craig Grade:A- (My Grading Scale) Where can you find Witty?...
Synopsis: An art gallery owner is haunted by her ex-husband’s novel, a violent thriller she interprets as a veiled threat and a symbolic revenge tale. Stars: Amy Adams,Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Shannon, Aaron Taylor-Johnson Director: Tom Ford Grade: B+ (My Grading...
What Witty is watching! Chantal Kreviazuk Interview Chantal Kreviazuk is an amazing musical talent. Singer, songwriter, musician and performer. Before her concert at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa I had the chance to catch up with her.In this interview she...
Synopsis: A linguist is recruited by the military to assist in translating alien communications. Stars: Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Forest Whitaker Director: Denis Villeneuve Grade: C+ (My Grading Scale) Where can you find Witty?...
Synopsis: WWII American Army Medic Desmond T. Doss, who served during the Battle of Okinawa, refuses to kill people and becomes the first Conscientious Objector in American history to be awarded the Medal of Honor. Stars: Andrew Garfield, Teresa Palmer, Vince Vaughan,...