Synopsis: After draining his life savings to enter a team in the Rucker Classic street ball tournament in Harlem, Dax (Lil Rel Howery) is dealt a series of unfortunate setbacks, including losing his team to his longtime rival (Nick Kroll). Desperate to win the...
Synopsis: An introverted teenage girl tries to survive the last week of her disastrous eighth grade year before leaving to start high school. Stars: Elsie Fisher, J Director: Bo Burnham Grade: B (My Grading Scale) Where can you find Witty?...
Synopsis: In a terrifying post-apocalyptic world inhabited by gangs divided into deadly factions, a husband and wife race desperately across the countryside in search of safety and must work together as they are pushed to the breaking point in order to survive. Stars:...
Synopsis: A group of journalists covering George Bush’s planned invasion of Iraq in 2003 are skeptical of the president’s claim that Saddam Hussein has “weapons of mass destruction.” Stars: Woody Harrelson, James Marsden, Rob Reiner, Tommy Lee Jones, Jessica Biehl...
Synopsis: Robert McCall serves an unflinching justice for the exploited and oppressed, but how far will he go when that is someone he loves? Stars: Denzel Washington, Pedro Pascal, Melissa Leo, Bill Pullman, Ashton Sanders Director: Antoine Fuqua Grade: B+ (My Grading...