Synopsis: In this sequel to Mamma Mia!, Sophie learns about her mother’s past. Stars: Amanda Seyfried, Lily James, Meryl Streep Director: OL Parker Grade: B (My Grading Scale) Where can you find Witty?...
Synopsis: A cover-up that spanned four U.S. Presidents pushed the country’s first female newspaper publisher and a hard-driving editor to join an unprecedented battle between journalist and government. Stars: Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks Director: Steven Spielberg Grade:...
Synopsis: A look at the lives of the strong-willed women of the Weston family, whose paths have diverged until a family crisis brings them back to the Oklahoma house they grew up in, and to the dysfunctional woman who raised them. Director: John Wells Stars: Meryl...
Synopsis: An elderly Margaret Thatcher talks to the imagined presence of her recently deceased husband as she struggles to come to terms with his death while scenes from her past life, from girlhood to British prime minister, intervene. Director: Phyllida Lloyd...