Synopsis: A couple meets up with another couple while on vacation in Mexico, but their friendship takes an awkward turn when they get back home.Directed by: Clay TarverStars: Lil Rel Howery, Yvonne Orji, John Cena, Meredith Hagner Grade: B+ (My Grading Scale) Where...
Synopsis: After draining his life savings to enter a team in the Rucker Classic street ball tournament in Harlem, Dax (Lil Rel Howery) is dealt a series of unfortunate setbacks, including losing his team to his longtime rival (Nick Kroll). Desperate to win the...
Synopsis: Four lifelong friends have their lives forever changed after reading 50 Shades of Grey in their monthly book club. Stars: Diane Keaton, Jane Fonda, Candice Bergen, Mary Steenburgen Director: Bill Holderman Grade: B- (My Grading Scale) Where can you find...
Synopsis: Foul-mouthed mutant mercenary Wade Wilson (AKA. Deadpool), brings together a team of fellow mutant rogues to protect a young boy of supernatural abilities from the brutal, time-traveling mutant, Cable. Stars: Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Moreca Baccarin...
Synopsis: After her husband abruptly asks for a divorce, a middle-aged mother returns to college in order to complete her degree. Stars: Melissa McCarthy, Molly Gordon Director: Ben Falcone Grade: B- (My Grading Scale) Where can you find Witty?...