Synopsis: Outside a mountain town grappling with a series of abductions and murders, Paul (Antonio Banderas), a reclusive writer, struggles to start what he hopes will be a career-saving screenplay. After a tense encounter at a diner with a drifter named Jack...
Synopsis: Humans and Transformers are at war, Optimus Prime is gone. The key to saving our future lies buried in the secrets of the past, in the hidden history of Transformers on Earth. Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Anthony Hopkins, Laura Haddock Director: Michael Bay Grade:...
Synopsis: With instructions from her genius son’s carefully crafted notebook, a single mother sets out to rescue a young girl from the hands of her abusive stepfather. Stars: Naomi Watts, Jaeden Lieberher, Jacob Tremblay Director: Gregg Hurwitz Grade: C+ (My Grading...
Synopsis: Tells the true and untold story of prolific rapper, actor, poet and activist Tupac Shakur. Stars: Demetrius Shipp Jr. , Danai Gurira Director: Benny Boom Grade: B (My Grading Scale) Where can you find Witty?...
Synopsis:Things go terribly wrong for a group of girlfriends who hire a male stripper for a bachelorette party in Miami. Stars: Scarlett Johansson, Zoe Kravitz, Kate McKinnon, Jillian Bell, Ilana Glazer Director: Lucia Aniello Grade: C (My Grading Scale) Where can you...
Synopsis:Lightning McQueen sets out to prove to a new generation of racers that he’s still the best race car in the world. Stars: Owen Wilson, Chris Cooper, Cristela Alonzo, Nathan Fillion Director: Azazel Jacobs Grade: B- (My Grading Scale) Where can you find Witty?...