Synopsis: In the bleak days of the Cold War, espionage veteran George Smiley is forced from semi-retirement to uncover a Soviet agent within MI6. Director: Tomas Alfredson Stars: Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, Tom Hardy Where can you find Witty?...
Synopsis: A nine-year-old amateur inventor, Francophile, and pacifist searches New York City for the lock that matches a mysterious key left behind by his father, who died in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Director: Stephen Daldry Stars: Thomas Horn,...
Synopsis:A black ops super soldier seeks payback after she is betrayed and set up during a mission. Director: Steven Soderbergh Stars: Gina Carano, Michael Angarano, Channing Tatum, Michael Douglas, Antonio Banderas, Ewan McGregor, Julian Alcaraz, Eddie J. Fernandez...
Synopsis: An elderly Margaret Thatcher talks to the imagined presence of her recently deceased husband as she struggles to come to terms with his death while scenes from her past life, from girlhood to British prime minister, intervene. Director: Phyllida Lloyd...
Synopsis: To protect his brother-in-law from a drug lord, a former smuggler heads to Panama to score millions of dollars in counterfeit bills. Director: Baltasar Kormákur Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Giovanni Ribisi, Kate Beckinsale Where can you find Witty?...
Synopsis: In Italy, a woman becomes involved in a series of unauthorized exorcisms during her mission to discover what happened to her mother, who allegedly murdered three people during her own exorcism. Director: William Brent Bell Stars: Fernanda Andrade, Simon...