Release Date: Friday, September 15, 2017 Synopsis: AMERICAN ASSASSIN follows the rise of Mitch Rapp (Dylan O’Brien), a CIA black ops recruit under the instruction of Cold War veteran Stan Hurley (Michael Keaton). The pair is then enlisted by CIA Deputy Director...
Release Date: Friday, AUGUST 18, 2017 Synopsis: The world’s top protection agent [Ryan Reynolds] is called upon to guard the life of his mortal enemy, one of the world’s most notorious hitmen [Samuel L. Jackson]. The relentless bodyguard and manipulative assassin have...
Release Date: Friday August 18 in Toronto and Friday, AUGUST 25, 2017 across Canada Synopsis: After a botched bank robbery lands his younger brother in prison, Constantine “Connie” Nikas (Robert Pattinson) embarks on a twisted odyssey through the...
Release Date: Friday, AUGUST 18, 2017 Synopsis: WIND RIVER is a chilling thriller that follows a rookie FBI agent (Elizabeth Olsen) who teams up with a local game tracker with deep community ties and a haunted past (Jeremy Renner) to investigate the murder of a local...
Release Date: Toronto: August 4th, Other Cities: August 11 Synopsis: When two sisters suspect their father (John Turturro) may be having an affair, it sends them into a tailspin that reveals cracks in the family façade. For the first time, older sister Dana (Jenny...
Release Date: Friday, August 11, 2017 Cast: Will Arnett, Katherine Heigl, Maya Rudolph, Jackie Chan, Sebasitan Maniscalco, Peter Stormare, Bobby Cannavle, Bobby Moynihan Synopsis: Surly Squirrel (Will Arnett) and the gang are back. We are once again in Oakton where...