Synopsis: A group of friends who meet regularly for game nights find themselves trying to solve a murder mystery. Stars: Jason Bateman, Rachel McAdams, Kyle Chandler Director: John Francis Daley, Jonathan Goldstein Grade: B- (My Grading Scale) Where can you find...
Synopsis: A shy teenager falls for someone who transforms into another person every day. Stars: Angourie Rice, Justice Rice, Debby Ryan, Mario Bello Director: Michael Sucsy Grade: B (My Grading Scale) Where can you find Witty?...
Screening: Wednesday February 28 Location: Lansdowne VIP Cinemas 7pm Synopsis: A family man becomes a vigilante killing machine when his family is violently attacked by robbers. To Enter please fill out the form below. For extra entries like Witty Whitter on facebook...
Screening: Monday March 5 Location: Cineplex Cinemas, 7pm. Synopsis: A road trip to visit relatives takes a dangerous turn when a family arrives at a secluded mobile home park that’s mysteriously deserted — until three masked psychopaths show up. In...
Ottawa Location: Cineplex Cinemas, 7pm. Synopsis: Based on David Levithan’s acclaimed New York Times bestseller, Every Day tells the story of Rhiannon, a 16 year old girl who falls in love with a mysterious soul named “A” who inhabits a different body every...