Release Date: March 29, 2019 Synopsis: A gripping true story of humanity and heroism, HOTEL MUMBAI vividly recounts the 2008 siege of the famed Taj Hotel by a group of terrorists in Mumbai, India. Refusing to leave their guests, the renowned chef Hemant Oberoi (Anupam...
Release Date: March 22, 2019 Synopsis: Based on the Giller Award-winning novel of the same name by Joseph Boyden, Through Black Spruce is a story of identity and survival. The disappearance of a young Cree woman in Toronto traumatizes her Northern Ontario family, and...
Synopsis: A working-class Italian-American bouncer becomes the driver of an African-American classical pianist on a tour of venues through the 1960s American South. Stars: Viggo Mortensen, Mahershala Ali, Linda Cardellini Director: Peter Farrelly Grade: A (My Grading...
Release Date: April 12, 2019 Courtesy of the wonderful people at Elevation Pictures here is your chance to win a family four pack to see the new film Missing Link. Synopsis: Mr. Link (Zach Galifianakis) recruits explorer Sir Lionel Frost (Hugh Jackman) to help find...