Synopsis: The world’s top bodyguard gets a new client, a hit man who must testify at the International Court of Justice. They must put their differences aside and work together to make it to the trial on time. Stars: Ryan Eynolds, Samuel L. Jackson, Salma Hayek...
Synopsis: Two brothers attempt to pull off a heist during a NASCAR race in North Carolina. Stars: Daniel Craig, Channing Tatum, Adam Driver Director: Steven Soderbergh Grade: B- (My Grading Scale) Where can you find Witty?...
Synopsis: A decade after An Inconvenient Truth (2006) brought climate change into the heart of popular culture comes the follow-up that shows just how close we are to a real energy revolution. Stars: Al Gore, George W. Bush, John Kerry Directors: Bonnie Cohen, Jon...
Synopsis: A young girl comes of age in a dysfunctional family of nonconformist nomads with a mother who’s an eccentric artist and an alcoholic father who would stir the children’s imagination with hope as a distraction to their poverty. Stars: Brie Larson, Woody...
Synopsis: Adrift in New York City, a recent college graduate’s life is upended by his father’s mistress. Stars: Callum Turner, Kate Beckinsale, Pierce Brosnan Director: Marc Webb Grade: B- (My Grading Scale) Where can you find Witty?...