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Happy Birthday Norah O’Donnell!!!
January 23, 2016
Confession: I have a crush on Norah O’Donnell. I don’t think I’m the first guy to have a celebrity crush. While my friends talk about ‘J-Lo’ or ‘J-Law’ I find myself saying ‘Hey, did you guys see CBS This Morning today?’
The co-host of CBS This Morning is awesome. Not only is she part of the ‘Trifecta of Awesomeness’ (including Charlie Rose and Gayle King) but she is an award winning journalist.
To celebrate her birthday I present 10 of the things I like about Norah O’Donnell!

10. Her smile.
If that smile doesn’t get your day off to a good start, what will?


9. Her Infectious Laugh.
It’s quite contagious.
8. She is not afraid to ask tough questions, regardless of who she is interviewing.
Norah takes her job seriously and understands the value of ‘Why’. She doesn’t hesitate asking the questions that we, the audience, want her to ask.
7. She likes Apple products!!!
What? I’m an Apple guy 🙂
6. She honours her bets
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5. She’s phenomenal at her job!
Whether she’s meeting with a world leader, someone in the entertainment industry or someone in regards to a scientific breakthrough she does her homework and asks insightful questions. Lack of preparation is never on the table!
4. She’s like Nike….She just does it!
As a wife and mother of three she does away with the term ”Work/Life Balance’. She explains to us that Work and Family aren’t evenly divided and if you follow her on any social networking you know that she works extremely hard but also enjoys life.
3. She’s Funny!
The News is Back on CBS This Morning but so are the laughs. Norah has a very fun and flirty side. (Insert Charlie Rose blush here)
2. She Gives Back
I have seen multiple interviews with her and young people. She is giving of her time and willing to help those on their journey.
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#1. Confidence!
If there is one word I would use to describe Norah O’Donnell it would be confidence. Yes she is funny, a little goofy at times but don’t underestimate Norah’s belief in herself. She comes across as a woman who has strong convictions and isn’t afraid to stand up for them.

I could go on and on. She gets up at a crazy hour, brings us the news and then goes on to do a bunch of other things. She interviews celebrities all the time and is a celebrity herself but doesn’t come across as someone with an ego.
CBS This Morning is a show I started watching a few years ago and has become part of my daily routine because of the amazing stories and information I am provided on a daily basis.
It is a pleasure to bring the Trifecta of Awesomeness into my life, whether it be my TV, hotel while I am traveling, or mobile device, every weekday morning.


Happy Birthday Norah and all the best!



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