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10 Best Movies of 2015
December 31, 2015

I am proud to present my top movies of 2015. As I have always said I am just a guy giving an opinion and here is mine. What are your favourite movies of the year? Let me know and enjoy!
And as always…I’ll see you at the movies!

Best Canadian Movie of the Year:  My Internship in Canada
An idealistic young Haitian travels to rural Quebec to intern for an independent Member of Parliament when a national debate erupts that finds the MP holding the tie-breaking vote. Patrick Huard and Irdens Exantus are hilarious in this fun look at Canadian politics.
Runner Up: Preggoland
Sonja Bennett writes and stars in this hilarious, yet realistic tale of how a woman can be ostracized from her friends when they are all having babies and she isn’t.

Top 2015 TIFF Movies that Have Not Been Released Yet (Keep an eye out for these films in 2016)
The Dressmaker
The Meddler
One Breath
The Witch

Best Movies of 2015

Honorable Mention

The novel by Emma Donoghue comes to life in Lenny Abrahamson’s film adaptation. Brie Larson gives a phenomenal performance as Joy a mother who personifies strength, unselfishness and courage. This movie blew the audience at the Toronto International Film Festival away and earned the coveted Peoples Choice Award for Top Film and it will captivate you as well.

10. Spy
Who says great movies can’t be funny? Melissa McCarthy is laugh out loud hilarious as a CIA analyst who finally gets to go into the field. And if she isn’t enough, Jason Statham proves to be a very capable scene stealer

9. A Walk in the Woods
Robert Redford is Hollywood royalty. Last year he reminded us he was a fantastic actor in ‘All is Lost’. This year he reminded us that he can make us laugh as well. Teaming with Nick Nolte as two men who decide to hike the Appalachian Trail was one of the sleeper hits of the year for me.

8. Ex-Machina
This futuristic tale  blew me away when I saw it. Oscar Isaac as an eccentric billionaire, Dominic Gleeson as a young programmer and Alicia Vikander as the breathtaking artificial intelligence subject come together in a movie that should not be missed.

7. The Hateful Eight
Quentin Tarantino’s movies are mini events and this one doesn’t disappoint. He continues to get the best out of his cast as demonstrated by the fantastic performance by Jennifer Jason-Leigh in this violent three hour Western.

6. Star Wars: The Force Awakens
JJ Abrams, I apologize for ever doubting your ability to reboot both Star Trek and Star Wars simultaneously . Mr. Abrams made us forget about Episodes 1-3 and brought us back to the wonder that was Episodes 4-6 while introducing new and exciting characters and breathing new life into a galaxy far, far away.

5. Danny Collins
Once upon a time Al Pacino was my favourite actor on the planet but then I found he lost his step. We would see him in movies where he was just screaming for the sake of screaming. With Danny Collins he has bounced back in a movie that is so entertaining. His portrayal of an aging rock star trying to reconnect with his son is so endearing it reminds us that he is still one of the best. Hoooooo-waaa

4. The Danish Girl
Eddie Redmayne will earn another Oscar nomination for his portrayal of Einar Wegener and his transformation to Lili Elbe. This movie was amazing and if Mr. Redmaynes performance isn’t enough Alicia Vikander will blow your socks off as well as her character, Gerda Wegener, struggles with her husbands change from male to female while attempting to be supportive.

3. Sicario
Dennis Villenuve has created an intense look at the drug world with Sicario.  Emily Blunt, Josh Brolin and Benicio Del  Toro lead a fantastic cast as we have an unfiltered view of the drug trade between the US and Mexico.
He utilizes cinematography, sound and great editing to make this a film you wont likely forget anytime soon.

2. Straight Outta Compton
N.W.A. was recently inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. After seeing this biopic it will leave little doubt as to why. F. Gary Gray’s take on this iconic rap group takes you from their humble beginnings to one of the most impressive success stories that embody the American dream. You don’t like rap music? It doesn’t matter. This movie isn’t about a rap group, it’s about a group of individuals who overcame the odds and became pioneers in music and pop culture.

My favourite movie of 2015

Of all of the movies I had difficulty placing on this list McFarland gave me the least amount of grief. This movie stars Kevin Costner but, as I said in my review, it is the best Kevin Costner sports movie that really has nothing to do with Kevin Costner. It tells the true story of a group of Mexican-American high school students who did something better than anyone else, they ran extremely fast!
Several things captivated me about this movie; The hard work ethic of the characters portrayed, what they had to overcome, and how Niki Caro, the filmmaker, captured the strong sense of community in McFarland, California.
The cast made up of actors and members of the McFarland area arrived at theatres with little fan fare but left a lasting impression on me.
I saw this movie 10 times in the theatre and cried 10 times. Admittedly I have seen the latest Star Wars 8 times (at the time of writing this) but McFarland’s run was more organic. Had a bad day? I’ll go see McFarland. Nothing better playing in the other theatre? I’ll see McFarland. Hey it’s been two weeks, time to see McFarland!
When my soccer team was struggling I had them over for a BBQ and we watched McFarland and we started winning again. When I was on holidays in San Jose, California I drove 3 and half hours to McFarland, California  to check out the high school of the movie that had left me in awe. Years from now when I look back on the movies I saw in 2015 one will stand out above the rest and for me that is McFarland.


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