Odds & Ends

The Keith Whittier 2024 Summer Bucket List
July 15, 2024

I decided this summer called for a Bucket List.

Here it is.

All items to be completed by September 2, 2024.

  1. Lose 10 lbs
  2. Have a meal on a patio
  3. Buy a stranger lunch
  4. Take Silva for a walk on the Rideau Canal
  5. Moonlight backyard movie night
  6. Learn how to use and eat a meal with chopsticks
  7. Take a day trip to a location that is a minimum 1 hour from my front door.
  8. 24 hours with no technology. (Apple watch can stay on ONLY for workout purposes)
  9. Go on a picnic
  10. Do something ‘Touristy’ in Ottawa
  11. Facetime at least five people I have not physically seen or spoken with in the past 365 days
  12. See a movie at the drive in


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