Odds & Ends

Witty Whittier 2015 Summer Bucket List
May 23, 2015

Here is my 2015 ‘Summer Bucket List’

With the exception of #20, everything else starts June 1, 2015

1. Build Something*
2. Buy a stranger a meal
3. Cook a Dish I’ve Never Made Before*
4. Crash a Wedding Reception*
5. Cut a Strangers Lawn*
6. Do a Blog with RedBlack Cheerleaders*
7. Go to the Drive-In
8. Freeze something fun into Ice Cubes*
9. Gatineau Hike*
10. Go Camping
11. Go Fishing*
12. Go on a Picnic
13. Go One Day Without Technology*
14. Go Running Along the Canal*
15. Go Somewhere and be a Tourist
16. Grow a Beard for One Month
17. Have Ice Cream in the Byward Market
18. Learn Something New
19. Lemonade Stand*
20. Lose 20lbs
21. Make a Punch Bowl out of a Watermelon*
22. Make Homemade Ice Cream
23. Make Lemonade*
24. Movie in the Park
25. Play Golf*
26. Play Wing-Man for my Nephew*
27. Pull a Prank
28. Random Act of Kindness
29. Read a Book Selected by a Twitter Follower*
30. Rib Fest!
31.Ride a Ferris Wheel*
32. Run Through Sprinklers
33. Send a Message in a Bottle*
34. Spontaneous Road Trip with a Friend*
35.Take a Boat Ride
36. Take a Dance Class
37. Watch the Sunrise*
38. Watch the Sunset*
39. Whittier Classic’ Movie Day
40. Zip-lining

* Indicates something I have never done before


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